July 17, 2007

The Words to Keep the Birds Humming

Things keep happening so rapidly.

I stop updating for five weeks, and in the meantime, I've spent nine nights in California covering the E3 Media & Business Summit, as well as several pre-E3 events. It's exciting stuff, and I definitely enjoy the travel, but it has absolutely dominated my life for the last few months, so I'm cutting back significantly now that the majority of events are finished. I have far too many better opportunities to explore.

My work at 1UP is progressing quite nicely. I'm still doing daily news updates (E3 got in the way last week, though), and soon I'll be moving into news features and preview articles. Absolutely pumped for that. Plus, I'm damn near broke, so... actually having time to devote to paid work sounds really fantastic to me.

And it will allow me to pursue other freelance opportunities, as well. I've been on the freelance rotation at one of the other large sites for several weeks, but have yet to take an assignment (some were quickly nabbed, some I didn't have time for). Also, while I did not get the job I interviewed for, I was told that they would likely be looking for freelancers next month. So while I'd rather be fully employed, I may be able to work for several large sites in a freelance capacity.

That's about it for now. I'm busy all the time, but progressing forward, especially now that I'm making time to explore these opportunities that have popped up in recent months. It's a grind, but it's been exciting.

And with that, I'm going to the Cubs game. Rain be damned.