September 18, 2007

Keep it Quick

Things are well. I'm working out, eating better, sleeping better. All in all, living better, it seems. Keeping myself busy, as usual, doing daily updates, working on a potentially awesome news feature, and putting together as many previews as they'll allow me to. The latest is for Project Gotham Racing 4 (Xbox 360), which went up on Friday. It's really more of a Q&A than a standard preview, but it has a lot of quality info and is worth a read if you're looking forward to the game.

Additionally, we just launched a weekly column of mine today -- On the DLC Tip. It's a roundup of all the console downloadable content from the last week that's supposed to go up on the weekend (it went up early Monday, but still). It takes a few hours to assemble, but luckily, the reaction has been all positive from readers thus far. We'll be adding some PC coverage in the next iteration, and hopefully people will continue to find it useful (and hopefully even more people in total).

Yeah, that's about it. Skate is thankfully excellent, though definitely quite challenging. I'll pick up Halo 3 next week, but I'm not a series junkie. Luckily, Phil located some video summaries of the first two titles, so I'll assuredly watch those before I dive into the threequel.